Monday, May 19, 2014

Snapshots of Missionary Life (w/ SO MANY pictures!!)

Hey y'all!

Oh goodness, I'm already losing my y'all. I'm back in the city, and a rather nice part of the city. Hello traffic, busy neighborhoods, and more than plenty of people to talk to! It feels a bit like whip lash. And while my heart is still in Lake Butler, I know this is where I am supposed to be. I can feel it. 

Are y'all ready for some snapshots of missionary life? That's the plan for today's blog. Enjoy =)

1. I love Brother Rusty. Goodbyes in Lake Butler were a little heart breaking. But I'll be back! Mother Daughter Reunion trip next Spring for the Starling's sealing =) 

2. I had never seen an alligator. So naturally, our last P-day our zone ventured to Alligator Park. And yes, I finally laid eyes on a gator. It may have been a baby one...but it was a gator! Only took my 11 and a half months to realize they we're myths. (And I was wearing my Florida Gators shirt...perfection in a moment. That's for sure.)

3. Each place I go, I take pictures of my feet. This one was perfect. Not only are we are on lovely Floridian grass near some gators, but it's with a few of the sisters in the zone. Perfectly captures my three transfers in the Lake City zone as an STL.
4. I love Sister Cline more than words can say. These past two transfers with her have been a piece of heaven.
5. A man has 18 peacocks in our neighborhood that just roam. We LOVE it. And after 4.5 months...I finally decided to document them. Naturally, while bending down to take a picture with it, it scurried away, I died laughing, and Sister Cline captured the world's most awkward photo. Love it. 
6. Goodbye's nearly break my heart, but amidst the sadness, I felt more love than I can even express from darling people in Lake Butler. The Starlings post-it attacked my car. Excuse the apparent crying that had been going on it the picture.

7. I LOVE THE STARLINGS. I LOVE GANEENE. I LOVE THEM ALL. SO MUCH. I love that when we leave on our missions we think we are leaving our families and it's so hard. And then, you end up finding some of your long lost family along the way.
8. Hello Mandarin First ward. Hello Sister Ashcraft! My darling 27-year-old companion from Idaho. Hello Sister Training Coordinator calling. Hello sword fights of course. (We're getting along really well as you can tell.)
9. Oh the blessings of being close to the mission home! We had the privilege of having dinner with our Mission President and his wife, with our investigator. God is so good. Such a powerful lesson about the Plan of Salvation.
10. In short, I'm one happy missionary. I love Mandarin. I love Florida. I love my Savior. And I absolutely love serving my fellow sister missionaries. It's a privilege to be surrounded by such incredible, faithful daughters of God. Miss ya. LOVE YA.

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