Monday, May 5, 2014

Long-Johns and Lessons Learned (w/ HILARIOUS pictures)

Hey Y'all!

To stay true to this transfer's traditions....Our weekly pow-wow last night in our ever-present fort with darling Sister Tsai and Crawford was divine. And this week we shared our lessons learned....Here's a taste of the lessons I learned this week:

1. The work really is hastening. No joke. Miracle of all miracles. Do y'all remember how we were struggling to teach lessons? Well, there was a day this week where we taught four member present lessons. Aka we taught 4 lessons and each had a member there to make them even more powerful. My jaw just about dropped when the day ended and each lesson went according to plan. From teaching a mother of seven with recent convert, Ganeene Starling, to having a miraculous lesson on Facebook with a man in India with a returned sister missionary who just got back from Peru, to teaching a mother and daughter with one of our favorite sisters in the ward, and then ending the night with that same member teaching this dear older woman sharing all about the Book of Mormon....Sister Cline and I got back in the car stunned. 4 member presents in one Lake Butler....might as well make the history books. And this week is looking just as promising. All I can say, is God's work is hastening. 
2. God knows what's best. When suddenly out of no where we have progressing investigators ready to come to church, we thought it was a sad thing that we didn't have church this week. The Fort Lauderdale temple was dedicated this past Sunday so we didn't have our normal 3 hour church block. Little did we know this was ALL a part of His plan. We prayed about what to do, and decided upon a church tour instead. Let me tell you, it was an hour of divinity. With three investigators, one darling member family, and Sister Tsai and Sister Crawford....we began our adventure touring the church Sunday morning. It hit me as we came back into the chapel at the end of the tour how much I absolutely love church. We are so blessed to be able to go to church each week. And really what hit me most of all, is that God knew these darling women didn't need to come to "church church". He knew they needed to have personal spiritual experiences there first with us to then help them have the desire to return the next week for church. God knows what's best.

3. I learned that sometimes (quite often really) I live in a happy little bubble. I naturally assume every missionary is obedient, happy to be here, and ready to work. The longer I'm in a leadership position...the more I've learned this isn't true. I thought for a while I had just been naive all my mission and that I needed to reality check. But this week, I went back to my old happy bubble ways because I realized I wasn't being naive. I was seeing people as they ought to be...and really as their potential truly is. When we look at people as their potential...instead of where they are, they often rise to the occasion. Hello happy bubble. It's good to be back.

4. I'm in love with the Book of Mormon. During this 90 day read, I've gotten to the point where we'll walk out of a lesson or be talking as we drive and I'll whip it out to make a point, or scribble in a new thought that reminded me of a scripture I read that morning. Best thing ever. I love the Book of Mormon.

5. Sometimes, it's A-okay to act like a kid. I'm only 20. So this week may have involved some 10pm tackling wars and matching footsie pjs and hysterical laughing. Perhaps a little too much hysterical laughing.

I love you so so much. Can't wait to chat with the fam bam this week!!! Happy Mother's Day indeed!

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