Monday, March 24, 2014

I Love My Life (w/ picture!)

I officially can't handle my love for missionary work. Sometimes I have to take like a mental breathing break to comprehend it all. My companion and I have laughing fits constantly to let out our excess joy. Sometimes these fits are a tad irreverently timed, but we're working on it. =)

Ready for our miracle story of the week? Last week, during weekly planning I turned to Sister Cline and told her that I was getting this feeling that Trina would be baptized on her birthday just like her son...but Trina has been wanting to be baptized since September and she was not living the commandments the way she should to ever be baptized. It's been a long road and Sister Cline just kind of agreed that it would be a good idea, but not likely. (She's not a debbie-downer, in all logic was telling me the same thing. haha)

Fast forward 5 days, Sister Cline is on crutches after a terrible youth volleyball night ankle roll. We're a bit bummed to be set back this way, but as she's putting her foot up in different member's homes, I've just served my little heart out. To say the least, we weren't getting a lot of missionary work done, but the most miraculous text of ALL time came in right when we needed it. No joke, in a text....Trina told us she was ready to be baptized on Monday - her birthday which was only 4 days away AKA TRINA IS BEING BAPTIZED TONIGHT!!!! That prompting that she would be baptized wasn't just a passing thought - it was the Spirit trying to get my attention and provide me with some hope during the slower week. God is sooo good.

And here's a few tid bits of loveliness for y'all:

1. Lesson Learned: To get out of member's homes in a more timely manner-Sister Cline and I now have a little nose scratching signal. Yep, we feel brilliant and sly every time.

2. Embarrassing Moment: Being mocked by my Stake President at his family dinner because I'm SO missionary minded, that when they mentioned that someday I'd be married...I couldn't even process what he was trying to get at. Oh goodness. Jaclyn - I'm praying you've got it all figured out how to transition me back to real life.

3. Over-joyous moment: Realizing we have 100% retention. I nearly fell out of my chair. I love this ward. They hold on to these recent converts like gems. 

4. Heads up: Transfers are next week-If they transfer me away from Lake Butler I do believe I'll have a panic attack. Fingers crossed Sister Cline and I are together in Zion one more transfer. It's funny how fast we fall in love with our areas. I always imagine there's no place better to be, until I go to the next place and can't imagine anything better than that one as well. Love it. 

5. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE MISSIONARY WORK. And I'm praying as always that y'all are catching this hastening the work fire at home as well. There's nothing better than the spirit of missionary work in your heart. I love sharing what I love the most. 

p.s. I get to go to the temple this Thursday!!!! HALLELUJAH.

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