Are y'all ready for some Lake Butler updates? I thought so!
Did you know everyone in tiny, cute Lake Butler refer to each other as Sister Mary. Brother Thomas. No last names. Why? Because everyone is related to everyone. We have 40 Waters family members alone!! I love the South. Using their first names just makes it all so homey.
I LOVE that moms here tell their children to "Play pretty now!" as they walk out the door. You can bet I'm adopting that phrase.
Sister Call got an iPad! And I'll be getting mine oh so soon. Talk about crazy! We'll be teaching a facetime lesson tomorrow. Our minds are currently being blown by how many doors technology can open.
The 14 year old boy we are teaching is getting baptized on Sunday! He has such an understanding of the gospel that we walk out of lessons with him with our mouths hanging open. We can picture him on a mission and it just melts our hearts.
I want to share with you a quote I stole from Sister Call. It's from a book about a girl in Uganda or something....who knows-but it describes my view on the world PERFECTLY.
"Sometimes I want to spend hours talking with my best friend about boys and fashion and school and life. I want to go to the gym; I want my hair to look nice; I want to be allowed to wear jeans. I want to be a normal young woman living in America. Sometimes. BUT I want other things more, all the time. I want to be spiritually and emotionally filled every day. I want to be challenged endlessly. I want to be taught by those I teach and I want to share God's love with people who otherwise might not know it. I want to work so hard I end everyday filthy and too tired to move. I want to make some kind of difference, no matter how small, and I want to follow the call God placed on my heart. I want to give my life away, to serve to the Lord with each breath. At the end of the day, no mater how hard, I want to be right here in" Jacksonville.
Oh how happy I am to be serving. It's right where I'm supposed to be. Love you all.
Sister Hutchins
P.S. We had a Mission Leadership Council meeting in Jacksonville...and who did I get to see but my darling MTC companion Sister Phelon! I'm still praying it's in God's plan that we get to serve together before the end of my mission.
Did you know everyone in tiny, cute Lake Butler refer to each other as Sister Mary. Brother Thomas. No last names. Why? Because everyone is related to everyone. We have 40 Waters family members alone!! I love the South. Using their first names just makes it all so homey.
I LOVE that moms here tell their children to "Play pretty now!" as they walk out the door. You can bet I'm adopting that phrase.
Sister Call got an iPad! And I'll be getting mine oh so soon. Talk about crazy! We'll be teaching a facetime lesson tomorrow. Our minds are currently being blown by how many doors technology can open.
The 14 year old boy we are teaching is getting baptized on Sunday! He has such an understanding of the gospel that we walk out of lessons with him with our mouths hanging open. We can picture him on a mission and it just melts our hearts.
I want to share with you a quote I stole from Sister Call. It's from a book about a girl in Uganda or something....who knows-but it describes my view on the world PERFECTLY.
"Sometimes I want to spend hours talking with my best friend about boys and fashion and school and life. I want to go to the gym; I want my hair to look nice; I want to be allowed to wear jeans. I want to be a normal young woman living in America. Sometimes. BUT I want other things more, all the time. I want to be spiritually and emotionally filled every day. I want to be challenged endlessly. I want to be taught by those I teach and I want to share God's love with people who otherwise might not know it. I want to work so hard I end everyday filthy and too tired to move. I want to make some kind of difference, no matter how small, and I want to follow the call God placed on my heart. I want to give my life away, to serve to the Lord with each breath. At the end of the day, no mater how hard, I want to be right here in" Jacksonville.
Oh how happy I am to be serving. It's right where I'm supposed to be. Love you all.
Sister Hutchins
P.S. We had a Mission Leadership Council meeting in Jacksonville...and who did I get to see but my darling MTC companion Sister Phelon! I'm still praying it's in God's plan that we get to serve together before the end of my mission.
I love sister hutchins...or should I say sister ness!
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ReplyDeleteLook who it is. Sister ashcrafts former companion. It's Ethan Pyle by the way Hutchins. Glad to know you are doing well in the mission.