BEST DAY EVER. Yes, I do believe we had one. Can I tell y'all ALL about it? Beautiful. January 26th is going to forever hold a special place in my heart.

Let me just list out the perfect moments from that day:
BRANNON'S BAPTISM: I wish I could convey in words how grateful I am to have been apart of that whole experience. There was this absolutely perfect moment during the program. After the actual baptism, we came back in and the entire youth surprised Brannon and performed a special musical number. Wanna guess what song it was? THREE KINGS FOUND THE LORD. Yes that Forgotten Carols song that was my theme song during Christmas this year! And as they sang, Brannon, this faithful, darling, 14 year old boy, started to cry. And by the time it had ended, he had thrown his arms around his non-member mom and they were crying together. I simply cannot describe the Spirit that filled the chapel in that moment. I can't even begin describe the testimony Brannon shared because I'd start crying right here in the library.
NEW INVESTIGATORS: We've been struggling like crazy to find people to teach. But the Spirit was guiding us yesterday so clearly. I felt we needed to go to an area, and then Sister Call had a potential investigator's name come to mind once we got there. We're now teaching a family...they loved the Plan of Salvation. God knew exactly what goals we were falling short on with the end of the week coming up, and He miraculously placed these precious souls in our path.

WE TAUGHT A LESSON ON FACETIME: Yes, you read that right. This week, the leadership of the mission were given their iPads. And it is NO coincidence that I began teaching a man living in Colorado just this week over facebook that was EXCITED to facetime. BIGGEST MIRACLE EVER. These iPads are opening so many doors. I can't quite handle it. The church is so true.

So here's the take home lesson if you just skimmed that and are shaking your head at my gushy missionary self: I used to think perfect moments were for movies. And that they couldn't happen in our lives. The past couple years, I found more and more of these perfect movie moments in my own life. And on my mission, I've found SO many perfect movie moments. These perfect movie moments don't last long. They are only a minute. But it's in those perfect, God-sent minutes where I know with every fiber of my being that God's whole purpose is our happiness. The closer I come to my Savior, the more perfect moments I am privileged to experience. I've never been happier. And I could not feel more blessed to have this opportunity to share this joy with the darling town of Lake Butler. And goodness me, I get Sister Call by my side every minute. OH HAPPY DAY. What's not to love about missionary life?
Sister Hutchins
p.s. If I defriended you on Facebook, it's not because I don't love you. It's because of some missionary rules I didn't know! WOOPS. Keep sharing and following my miracles blog though. That blog is providing SO many opportunities to teach. And I LOVE any help I can get to get it out for the world to see.
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