Monday, September 22, 2014

Hutchamalo in Heavenly Florida

I've learned so many lessons on my mission, but today I learned the biggest lesson of all. I know this lesson is one that Heavenly Father has been trying to teach me for quite some time, but it's finally clicked and I'm so grateful. My goodness, missions are the best. Yesterday, Elder Golden, a member of the 70, spoke at our Mission Leadership Council. The Spirit was there, I took way too many notes, and Sister Petramalo and I left feeling really good about the world. BUT, what he taught didn't really sink in until Companionship studies (aka spiritual discussion hour...that spilled over into P-day). I'm not sure if this is going to make sense, but here it goes anyway.
It doesn't matter if we baptize 1000 souls. It doesn't matter if we get straight A's. It doesn't matter if we're the perfect mom. Those acts or accomplishments alone are NOT the point. All that matters, is that along the way as we strive for these things we become who we are meant to be: a disciple of Christ.

The gospel is simple, we just have to keep our ends and our means straight with the gospel of Jesus Christ. The things we are meant to do (visit teach, magnify our calling, graduate college, get a good job) are the means to become the end....CHRISTLIKE. In the process of striving for that "thing" we are meant to become like Him. Heavenly Father doesn't define us by being the best teacher, or the best scriptorian, or the best baptizer, but becoming like Christ. At the last day, He's not going to total up my grades, my tithing, my church attendance, my acts of service. All of it is going to fall away and I alone will stand. He and I will clearly be able to see if I became that person, if I became that disciple. The end is who you become....the means is all the things He asks us to do....because those things will help us BECOME disciples. That's why He called me on a mission... because this process is helping me to become a disciple.
My mission is priceless because of the precious lessons I'm learning that are becoming a part of me. Sister Petramalo was laughing as we ended companionship studies saying, "So this is what a perfect day feels like." Amen to that. 
No we didn't have a bowl, so we used a bunt cake pan. Yes, I'm wearing
my hideous luau mumu. Hutchamalo for life.
Snapshots of the Week:

1. I love when missionaries pray together. There is nothing more powerful. Hopefully this isn't too sacrilegious, but at MLC when the leaders of the mission all get on their knees together to pray about the transfer baptismal goal, I love to open my eyes for just a moment during that prayer. I love that image...38 faithful young men and women on their knees humbling pleading with Heavenly Father to be able to do His will. Priceless moment once again. Where else can you experience something like that?

2. I looked down this week to notice my skirt was almost too fuzzy to be able to wear, my sweater had a hole in the elbow from a dog a few months ago, my shoes were no longer the color they used to be, and my purse was beginning to look a little extra sad. I'm officially as a seasoned missionary and I love that feeling. (Though I do have to say, I'm ready to burn every piece of clothing I've worn on my mission. Burn party in December family? Woot woot.)

3. Sister Petramalo had some ear issues this week. We had to get to a doctor and have them irrigated and all sorts of NOT fun stuff. BUT along the way, she got a blessing. I love this visual forever emblazoned on my mind. There is a faithful Filipino family that we asked to help us that night. The mother wasn't home, so we sat in their organized garage on tool benches as this powerful father and son gave my darling companion a blessing. Afterward, the wise father talked about his love for the gospel and specifically the Priesthood. We walked away with two bags of groceries stuffed into our hands, that powerful spirit in our hearts, and a healed ear too.

4. There's an 83 year old woman named Bonnie that we are currently teaching recent convert lessons to each week. This week, she shook her head at our attempts to tell her we had eaten dinner and walked us over to the Burger King she loves right next door to her apartment. Though we really had eaten dinner, and we really did feel nauseous by eating a second dinner 20 minutes after our first one, there was something powerful about seeing the joy that one feels as they serve someone else. Bonnie LOVED treating us. We got to laugh at some of her hysterically sassy "husband #3" stories, and again it was a perfect moment. I LOVE people. I'm telling you, the people in Florida are GEMS.

5. My companion and I officially refer to ourselves as's doesn't flow all that well I'll be the first to admit, but it's quite fun. Yesterday after planning we sprawled across our much too tiny couch and laughed straight up to when we had to jump up and brush our teeth to get in bed on time. I love when companionships "jive" as Sister Petramalo says. It's the best.
Sister Hutchins

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