Monday, January 6, 2014

Incredible Things and a TRANSFER

If there were words to describe this week I'm pretty sure angels would be singing them. I don't know what happened, but all this sowing we've been leading to INCREDIBLE THINGS. We've got 6 people who are preparing to be baptized. Are you stunned? Because my jaw is just about hanging open. My favorite is a woman who ran up to the Elders because she hadn't paid tithing because she no longer liked the church she had gone to for so long. A few days later, we went to go meet her and see if she wanted to know more. Guess what? SHE DOES. BEST first lesson I've ever been apart of. I could cry about it right this very instant.

Wanna hear another gem of a moment? We FINALLY got to teach this very elect man again after 2 months of him saying he really needed to focus on finding a job. I don't know what changed, but suddenly he agreed. In our lesson, he just looked at me and said, "I feel as if something is missing, and I just feel like YOU are the one who is going to be able to tell me something that is going to touch me." In that moment, I maybe have never prayed harder in my life to have the spirit speak through me. I'm not quite sure what I said, how I said it, or if it even hit him all that hard, but he couldn't stop thanking us. He agreed to be baptized when he receives a confirmation about the Book of Mormon. My heart is melting.

Side note: I'm in the midst of all those war chapters in Alma...and you want to know what's oh so fun to do? NAMING ALL THE WARS. It's the only way I keep the story line straight. Let's see, we've got The Battle of Strategum. The Prepared Boy Scout Conflict. The War of Words. The Un-Unified Nephite Destruction. I're jealous. I know it.

And now, let me tell you about my favorite moment on my mission thus far. I may just start crying as I write this up. Long story short, we've been helping this darling less active sister accept the Atonement in her life. And she was the very last sister to stand to bear her testimony in Relief Society...And she said, that she learned the Atonement applied to her and that Heavenly Father really loved her, because of the missionaries. When you love someone so much and have prayed for them harder than you even knew you could....and something like that happens....All I wanted to do was whip out a video camera so I could replay her testimony for the rest of eternity. If we did nothing else with these past 4 months, having God work through us to touch her was more than enough. I LOVE HER. I love this gospel. I love missionary work.

Here's the big update-I'm being kicked out of Timuquana. They are sending me off to Lake Butler...all anyone can tell me about that place is that there are more cows than people haha. I'm so excited-it's unhealthy. I've also been called as a Sister Training Leader. I'll be over the sisters in the Lake City Zone. God has a whole lot to teach I do believe. I can't wait to start, but I really do feel as if I am leaving a bit of my heart here in Timuquana. I've written more love letters to members and investigators than I even knew were possible. I love these people, this area, and how close I came to my Savior here in lovely Jacksonville. They say you leave your heart in San Francisco. I officially feel as if half my heart is in SF, and the other half will forever be in Timuquana.

Over and out Jax West....
Sister Hutchins

p.s. Has anyone else noticed that I am transferred according to college semesters...I spent Summer term in Kingsland, Fall semester in's to Winter semester in LAKE BUTLER. Woot woot.

P.p.s. If I'm getting obnoxiously in love with missionary work, I think it's a sign that you should go share the gospel with someone in your life. Deal? Deal. It really is the best thing I have ever been apart of.

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