Monday, October 6, 2014

"It's true, isn't it? Then what else matters?"

Short and Simple:

1. Follow the Spirit, NO matter the situation. We were praying about power trade offs this week (about who should go with who) and I kept feeling like I needed to go with this certain sister who I feared would be quite difficult to handle. I thought about not listening to that feeling, but luckily the better half of me won, and I went out with her for an afternoon. It was absolutely incredible. Down went this strong sister's wall, and out came her incredible story. This usually very reserved sister talked and talked and talked. She kept asking me if she knew me from somewhere pre-mission because it was SO easy for her to open up. All I can say is God answers prayers when we faithfully obey what He prompts us to do. Just two months ago, this very same sister would barely look me in the eye.

2. General Conference is a blessing directly from God. I've recently faced some anti during online lessons, so naturally, Elder Anderson stands and gives a POWERFUL talk on Joseph Smith. I've been pondering and pondering this concept of being a disciple of Christ, so naturally, President Monson stands and gives an inspiring talk about Jesus Christ. I feel as though I am constantly teaching the concept of "Ask, and ye shall receive" lately, so naturally, President Eyring and Elder Hale each spoke on receiving personal revelation. The very thoughts that have been on my mind and heart lately were addressed, answered, and testified about. My goodness, I could watch Conference every weekend.

3. God answers the very prayers you've been saying everyday for 16 months. I taught Cameron again via Skype just yesterday. In the course of that hour, we talked about the influence the Book of Mormon has played in the past two months as he's been reading, he powerfully shared with me that as he has focused on following the commandments of God that the power of Satan's temptations have literally left him, and I had the opportunity to share a bit of my heart and testify of the power of the Atonement in my life. It was one of those entirely perfect hours in my life. He still has a long road ahead, heck, we all do. But I got to repeatedly tell him that with Jesus Christ, he could do it. And as a tender mercy from Heavenly Father, Cameron ended the call telling me that his turn around this past year has been all thanks to me. Now while I would never take credit for anything like that, I do feel strongly that while on missions, the families of missionaries are blessed beyond belief. I felt very strongly as I left on my mission that Heavenly Father would take care of the ones I love the most, and let me tell you....He keeps His end of that promise. If for nothing else, my mission has been more than worth it because it in some small way has played a role in blessing my darling older brother. Best decision of my life.
"It's true, isn't it? Then what else matters?"
Amen to that. Over and out.
Sister Hutchins

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