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More Aligator :) |
I just want to record some moments of pure perfection again for you this week.
1. Sister Petramalo and I are in the midst of a whole lot of FINDING
right now. On Friday night we went out in a neighborhood talking with everyone, and while walking up to a door I realized how much I love finding. I asked Sister Petramalo is she thought any of my friends back home would hang out with me on a Friday night and go out tracting. She laughed her head off. Dork alert-party of 2. She said she'd come with me.
2. During ward council Sunday morning, the combined 5th Sunday, 3rd hour lesson fell through. I found myself volunteering my companion and I to teach hahaha. Yep, our bishop looked a little surprised and accepted the offer. What he didn't know, is that we had a perfectly prepared social media member missionary work lesson from our training at Mission Leadership Council this past week. Not only did we have videos to show, we had a power point. Just a few days ago we had been praying about how to get our ward more excited about social media - God answers prayers. That is for sure. It couldn't have been more divinely orchestrated. I love teaching members about how to share the gospel. Shoot, I just love teaching with the Spirit on any topic.
3. I don't know if God is trying to tell me something or not, but all
we find here in Mandarin is engineers. Fred, John, George...I mean
come on! Haha. I have never had to look at the gospel so logically in
my life. And yet, there was this powerful moment teaching George, when
I knew exactly the questions with the right wording (so he couldn't
pick a whole through my argument) and for once....he listened and
processed and maybe even FELT something regardless of how illogical
feelings may be. The Spirit was almost tangible in the room. And
though George isn't ready for the gospel now, I know Heavenly Father
has a perfect plan for him in the years to come.
4. Ryan, a less active with earrings and tattoos, came to church and
sang with us yesterday!! Hallelujah. And after saying he would only do
this just ONCE last week, he quickly changed his tune after sacrament
yesterday to planning our next musical number in church. God is oh so
5. While reading my scriptures this week in Alma 34:8-10, I found
myself processing how little of this work is the missionaries' and how
much it is our Savior. He is leading, guiding, and orchestrating every
single one of these miracle filled days. How grateful I am for the
Atonement and that though I am imperfect and my missionary work could
use a whole lot of help, He continues to forgive me and enable me to
do His work.
6. A woman I've been trying to teach in Tonga could never give me her address because she lives in a remote village. I kept asking her if she knew Mormons and she said she'd seen missionaries a few times out
on the streets. This week she saw some and stopped them!! She finally was given a Book of Mormon and is reading it. I LOVE SOCIAL MEDIA.
Love you all!!!!
Sister Hutchins
the quartet
Holy Hotness!
So grateful for all the support and love especially in #ifollowhim.
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