What does a long-awaited baptism, one nasty flu, performing the EFY medley in Sacrament meeting, a temple trip to ORLANDO, stargazing during a transfers conference call, a powerful healing priesthood blessing, yummy Chick-Fil-A, a sleepover with Sister Phelon (MTC companion), a road trip with the Craig's, messaging back and forth with Al Fox and Mormon.org, reaching day 300 on the mission, an awesome mission leadership council, finding out we have a new set of sisters in Lake Butler tomorrow, teaching a man in Nepal via Facebook who loves Jesus Christ, and an iPad officially and finally named Iggy the Enigma all have in common? Oh yes, that would be week 44 on the mission for me. Quality right?
2. I am in love with teaching the gospel over Facebook, but it breaks my heart a little too. There is only so much we can do with these precious people living in Nepal and Kenya. So grateful to know that God has a plan for each and every one of us. And as a side note, I seriously struggle with technology sometimes. Therefore the perfect name-Iggy the Enigma. I mean, you have to love that.
3. Sister Cline is a doll. There's a power in the work we do together that I've never really felt with anyone else. We started out on rather different pages, but we've found this balance that's close to perfection in my book. Thank goodness we have at least another transfer together here in Lake Butler. And we'll be having another set of sisters come to Lake Butler tomorrow! 3 sets of missionaries in Lake Butler!?! The work is hastening and I've never been more overjoyed to be apart of it. This lovely Lake City zone just broke it's month baptismal record. I am surrounded by the most powerful missionaries-sometimes I just can't get over how grateful I am to be right where I am serving with exactly these people. I may just be the luckiest girl alive. Heavenly Father's plan is absolutely perfect.
Love you all. More and more with each passing day.
Sister Hutchins
Sister Hutchins
p.s. My blog was written about in BYU's newspaper. Baby steps towards sharing it with the world =)
http://universe.byu.edu/2014/ 03/31/18-months-later-younger- sisters-making-a-difference- in-the-mission-field/
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