Hey Y'all,
(Birthday festivities in the morning...another package and six letters came later that day!)
Hope your week has been lovely. I walked outside this morning, and it felt like sunshine in the West. I can't explain it, but it was oh so lovely and maybe almost a dry heat (Not quite). Anyway, I really just wanted to thank you all for the love and the wonderful birthday shout outs I got this past week. My jaw dropped when we opened the mail box haha. Best day ever, from darling letters to yummy English candy, to flowers from my darling pops. It was all divine. And during that day I got to make three birthday wishes-I know...it's like a dream come true. During Zone P-day, all the missionaries put some candles on a quality pb&j for me. Then, at the darling Stebbins' dinner later that night, Shaun had made me a cake and everything. (Fingers crossed he gets baptized on the 20th!!!). And last, but not least, I made another wish at 11:11 (I know I was up too late...I'm working on it!). I hope it's not too demanding to make 3 wishes, but I'm 20 now. Hopefully that's allowed. And don't worry, all three are safely recorded in my journal. I LOVE BIRTHDAYS. Thanks again. Someday soon I will have time to write you all. It may take me centuries, but I will get there.
(Thanks for the flowers papa!)
This week was a big week because we finally got to meet our new mission president! Oh my word, President and Sister Craig are incredible. I have truly never been so excited about missionary work, especially as they were talking about all the coming changes. In the coming months, planners and area books are out. And technology will be replacing it. Missions will become much more service oriented (justserve.org) and tracting will be completely phased out. Church doors are going to be open all day and we will be giving church tours and teaching people inside the church if we can. There is so much more-this really is just a taste, but this work really is of God. I absolutely love it. My favorite quote that they shared was from Elder Oaks I believe. "This the most remarkable era of the church, rivaled only by the First Vision, the coming of the Book of Mormon, and the Priesthood being restored to all worthy males. This class of 2013 will be known for marking one of the greatest events in history..." No pressure there right? Just joking, I'm so excited. We have work to do-that is for sure.
Are you ready for some random side notes? I sure do hope so. First off, Storm warnings are real. Like, Hunter Hayes' Storm Warning song is a real thing! Maybe I should have processed this sooner, but we get texts for storms, floods, tropical storms, all of the above. I know y'all in the West are jealous. Second, we were visiting a darling family that we are hoping will become progressing investigators soon and I was such a weirdo. Here is this darling pregnant woman who already has two kids and she is due in a month. I think I snapped into sister mode because she reminds me so much of my Julinanners. We were talking to her as she is cleaning her kitchen and she had to bend down to clean her refrigerator better and I grabbed the rag from her and just started cleaning for her. Everyone was laughing. I probably should get to know people a little better before I get so comfortable with them as I'm like kneeling on the ground scrubbing in a skirt...Maybe not though...we gave them a Book of Mormon and a Family: Proclamation to the World before we left. Ahhh I just love them so much. Fingers crossed. Third, I finally ate Chicken and Dumplins on the Fourth of July. Yes, you read that right. No "g" at the end of dumplings-that is not how they do it. It was interesting...not sure if I'm a huge fan, but an experience nonetheless!

(Saint Marys' waterway - love it!)
And for my spiritual side note, I have been loving the Book of Mormon. I have been highlighting each "all" and "fulfill" I see. I know that sounds random, but I have gained such a strong testimony of how complete the gospel is. It is everything and it is for everyone. It applies to all aspects of life, all people, and can fill any empty space in your life. I love love love how complete and truly fulfilling coming closer to our Savior is.

(Where I study each morning. :) )
Hope y'alls fourth of July was divine. And as one of my favorite recent converts always says, "Jam tight and jelly up." Confused? You really should vacation in the South sometime.
Love you all forever,
Sister Hutchins
(Woodbine, Georgia - middle of nowhere. :) )
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